A downloadable Trem da Desordem for Windows and Linux

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Notas do desenvolvedor | Developer Notes


Este jogo foi desenvolvido para Godot Jam Round 2 do dia 24 de Agosto de 2024, com o tema "Out of Order".


This game was developed for Godot Jam Round 2 on August 24, 2024, with the theme "Out of Order".

Objetivo do Jogo | Game Objective


Pegue os blocos que possuem os números que irão aparecer em sequencia no canto superior esquerdo da tela, dentro do tempo limite, quanto mais blocos você tiver ao final do tempo na sequência que aparecerem, mais pontos vocês terá, além disso existe uma forma de obter pontos extras ao ter exclusivamente os blocos na sequencia que foram mostrados. Mas cuidado, os seus blocos não estão seguros!


Collect the blocks that have the numbers that will appear in sequence in the top left corner of the screen, within the time limit, the more blocks you have at the end of the time in the sequence they appear, the more points you will have, in addition there is a way to obtain Extra points for having exclusively the blocks in the sequence that were shown. But be careful, your blocks are not safe!

Controles do Jogo | Game Controls


- Movimentação : Setas do teclado

- Capturar Bloco : Tecla enter


- Movement : Keyboard Arrow Keys

- Capture Block : Enter key

Alerta de Bugs | Bug Alerts


O jogo foi desenvolvido em menos de 1 semana, sozinho  e tive que aprender a mecher com multiplayer que antes eu não tinha ideia de como implementar, então bugs são esperados e alguns deles são:

- NPC fica andando em direção da parede: ainda não sei qual o motivo pois na hora de sortear a próxima posição que ele tem que andar, eu tive o cudiado de verificar se passaria da áre do mapa.

- Blocos autonomos desgovernados: alguns blocos que deveria ficar parados por não terem uma entidade para seguir, podem acabar sair correndo pelo mapa alopradamente.

- NPC não se move mais depois de ser roubado: esse estou com uma leve suspeita de onde está o erro, mas tenho que verificar, pode ser também que o npc tenha ficado depressivo, a falta de comunicação dificulta entende-lo.


The game was developed in less than 1 week, alone and I had to learn how to work with multiplayer that before I had no idea how to implement, so bugs are to be expected and some of them are:

- NPC keeps walking towards the wall: I still don't know the reason because when it came time to draw the next position he had to walk to, I had the care to check if he would go beyond the area of the map.

- Ungoverned autonomous blocks: some blocks that should remain stationary because they do not have an entity to follow, may end up running around the map haphazardly.

- NPC no longer moves after being stolen: I have a slight suspicion of where the error is, but I have to check, it could also be that the NPC has become depressed, the lack of communication makes it difficult to understand.

Créditos | Credits


Licença | License

Português: Este projeto está sob as licenças CC BY-SA 4.0 e MIT, o projeto pode ser encontrado no repositório Git Trem da Desordem.

English: This project is under CC BY-SA 4.0 and MIT licenses, the project can be found in the Git repository Trem da Desordem.

Updated 26 days ago
PlatformsWindows, Linux
Tags2D, Multiplayer, Singleplayer
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
MultiplayerLocal multiplayer, Ad-hoc networked multiplayer
Player count1 - 10


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Trem da Desordem - Windows 27 MB
Trem da Desordem - Linux 22 MB


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Hi! The game seems to crash every time I start playing it :(

How are you, Telomeri? Can you tell me which platform are you using? what type of crash are you having? The game cannot start?

Windows 11, the game runs for 10 seconds and shuts down 

As soon as I'm home, I'll take a look, as I use Linux I haven't been able to test much for Windows

Could you tell me if there is an error in the Windows terminal that would help identify the problem? I'm looking for someone who can help me test in the meantime.

Hi! So running with a command line in administrator actually removes the crash, which is suprising. Anyways, maybe one of these errors is the culprit? Now I anyway get to rate your game since I could play it :) 

ERROR: Attempt to disconnect a nonexistent connection from '@CharacterBody2D@19:<CharacterBody2D#49459234359>'. Signal:.

   at: (core/object/object.cpp:1462)

ERROR: Condition "!E" is true.

   at: _body_exit_tree (scene/2d/physics/area_2d.cpp:155)

ERROR: Attempt to disconnect a nonexistent connection from 'TileMap:<TileMapLayer#30266099001>'. Signal: 'tree_entered'.

   at: (core/object/object.cpp:1462)

It was actually my avast antivirus that made the crash happen. Obviously your game does not contain a virus, but maybe compiling it with linux somehow triggered it, since I do not have this issue with other games.